Sunday, January 17, 2016

From A Dog's Perspective

Ever wonder what our dogs think of our busy, stress-filled lives?  Do they understand why we sometimes don't have time to take them on a long walk or that we're too tired to play ball with them?  They're always so excited to see us after a long day and yet all we do is yell at them for tearing up the house in our absence.  Do we stop to think about how that makes them feel?  Here's a little story about the life of a human as seen through a dog's eyes.  Don't be surprised if you find yourself reaching for your favorite pup with one hand and a tissue with the other! 

"It must be morning...I'm hungry.  Then again, I’m always hungry so it could really be any time!  I can hear the shower, so I’m guessing my human is awake.  I lift my head off my bed and look down the passage .  I want a shower too.  Sometimes I try and get in but he won’t let me.  Boring!  He’s not very happy in the mornings anymore.  He used to be, but things have changed.  I think it’s stress.  Not really sure what that is, but I know it’s not good.  It’s a human thing.  I’ve heard him talk about it on the phone.  Don’t really know what a phone is either, but I know they’re good to chew!  Chewing is one of my favorite things!" 

"In the good old days, we wrestled and played every morning.  These days though, not so much.  We would play ball before he went to work and again after work too.  He’d throw, I’d fetch...he’d throw, I’d fetch...forever!  What a game!  So much fun!  He’d laugh and talk human. I’d growl.  I’d laugh if I could but mostly I’d just wag my tail!  I think it’s sad that humans don’t have tails!  Sometimes he’d lose focus, so I would nudge him.  Maybe a little nip on the hand just to keep his head in the game!  How much fun can one dog and one human have?  But lately he seems grumpy.  Sometimes, I wonder if he still loves me.  I lick him anyway because he’s my favorite human in the world!  I get so excited to see him!  When he hugs me, my tail wags all by itself!  I wonder why my kisses don’t make him happy like they used to." 

"I liked it more when we lived in the first house...the little one.  That was 3 houses ago.  He played with me the most in that house.  He was happier and he didn’t yell at me for getting on the couch or chewing his expensive shoes.  We used to watch TV together on the couch every night.  Well, I slept...he watched!  He would rest his hand on my head.  I love that!  Now we live in a big house with a big dumb couch.  A dumb couch for humans only...not dogs!  I don’t like the big house or the dumb couch!  He makes me stay down on the stupid slippery polished floor.  The other day I slid into the table and hurt my nose.  Stupid floor!" 

"When I was a puppy, we went everywhere together.  We used to walk to the park every day.  We’d hang out with other dogs and their humans.  We don’t walk together much these days and, when we do, he talks on the phone.  I hate that stupid phone!  I’m gonna eat it when he’s not looking!  We would also go for long drives in the old station wagon and I would put my head out the window or on his lap.  It was the most fun ever!  No more head out the window action for me these days though.  Mr Serious has a new fancy schmancy car.  Apparently, it’s a dog-free zone too.  On the rare occasion that I do get a ride, I have to lie on 3 blankets with no wind in my face.  What’s the point of that?  Like having a bone you can’t chew!  Stupid!"

"We used to go to the beach every weekend in that old station wagon too.  We surfed together.  Well, he surfed and I chased seagulls, played in the waves and rolled in the sand!  He liked talking to the lady humans who wanted to play with me.  They only talked to him because I was there!  Sometimes he got kisses but I always got more!  On the way home I would put my wet, sandy, hairy body on the front seat and he was happy I was next to him.  I loved that car too!  Those were the days!" 

"We haven’t done anything like that in years.  He's just too busy now.  Too busy being successful and important to have fun with me.  Glad I’m not doesn’t look like much fun!  I’m so adorable...I don’t understand why he doesn’t miss me!  In fact, I don’t really understand him much at all anymore!  He’s supposed to be smarter than me but I’m not so sure about that these days!" 

"I used to sleep along side him in his big comfy bed.  Used to (heavy sigh) but now he has a new dog-free bed too.  Of course!  I hate that bed!  I chew the legs when he’s not around!  Next year we’re moving to yet another even bigger one.  Maybe that will make him happy.  Hope so but I doubt it.  If I could speak, I’d tell him that too!  I don’t get the big house dogs don’t really care how big our kennel is, we just want to be near our human!" 

"I know I’m just a dog and I don’t really understand a lot of human stuff, but I do
know about fun and happiness!  He’s rarely happy these days and he’s always too tired to do anything fun...even when I pull his sleeve or lick his face!  If he got rid of the stupid slippery floor, the dumb couch, the fancy car and just played with me more, then perhaps he would be happy!  Me too!"

I hope this serves as a reminder to us all that our pets have feelings too, and they deserve to be treated in the same way we would treat our closest human companions.  So the next time  you're not really feeling the puppy love, take a moment to put yourself in your dog's paws and think about this touching "tail"!  Wag-wag!   

Happy tails to you until we meet again!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Lesson Learned From A Lost Dog

Happy New Year!  I hope you and your furry friends all had a nice holiday filled with fun times and great memories that will last throughout the year.  I know my family and I will probably never forget this Christmas and our unexpected four-legged visitor. 

It was early Christmas Eve morning when an unknown  dog showed up in my parents' yard.  Because they have a yellow lab of their own, my mom initially tried yelling at the stray animal until it wandered on down the road.  A few hours later, however, we looked outside and the dog was back, just hanging around the fenced-in backyard and looking like all it wanted was to play with their yellow lab.  Eventually, the lost dog took up residency right outside the front door as if to say, "please, please, please let me in". 

The dog appeared to be healthy and well cared for but didn't have a collar to help us find it's owner.  Not knowing what else to do, we called the local animal control but, because of the holiday, they were short-staffed and could only send someone out if it was an emergency.  We then placed an ad on Craigslist as well as Facebook for anyone looking for their lost dog.  Realizing that there wasn't much more we could do and that the dog was obviously not leaving on it's own, my husband and I decided to give it some food and water late that evening as it hadn't had anything all day.  Up to this point, no one had been able to get close enough to pet the dog but after some food and water, it came right up to us and was quite friendly and sweet.  We eventually figured out that it was a female and she appeared to be a pit bull and/or boxer mix.

The next day was Christmas and we awoke to the sound of a howling dog...yep, she was still there at the front door.  My husband and I continued feeding her, giving her treats, and I even started calling her Eve since she had come to us on Christmas Eve.  Kind of silly, right?  Anyway, we gave her as much love and attention as possible because we felt soooo bad for her and her family missing each other on Christmas.  By the next day, Saturday, we managed to find a veterinary clinic that was open and took her there to see if, by chance, she had a microchip.  The good news is that she did have a chip but the bad news is that the chip was not registered so there was no way to contact her owner. 

At this point, we were really at a loss.  Craigslist and Facebook didn't yield any viable leads and now even the microchip seemed like a dead-end.  My husband and I toyed with the idea of keeping the dog ourselves, but this just wouldn't be feasible as we live in a very small condo.  By Saturday night, we decided to put another ad on Craigslist and Facebook to try to find a new home for the dog.  After only a couple of hours and lengthy text/phone conversations, we found a nice lady who had recently moved to the area, was missing her family, and had been looking for a "best buddy".  She came to see the dog early Sunday morning and we could tell right away that she was an animal lover as she had a paw print collar and plenty of treats already in hand.  Needless to say, they immediately hit it off.  I texted her a day or two later to see how things were going and she said, "Fabulous.  She's housebroken and spayed.  She's great!  Everybody loves her!  Thank you Santa Clause!"  She named the dog "BB" for "best buddy" and sent a picture of the dog all cuddled up next to her in bed.  I guess you could call this a Christmas miracle!   

It's more than a week later now and I still find myself thinking of our little Christmas visitor often and wondering how she's doing in her new home.  Hopefully it was a happy ending for this lovable doggy who got lost on Christmas Eve.  Unfortunately, there are many more lost pets roaming the streets all alone out there who may not be as lucky as this one.  The truly sad part is that this whole situation could probably have been avoided if the dog's microchip had been registered and kept up-to-date, so let this be a lesson to all of us.  Make a New Year's resolution to have your pets microchipped and, if they're already chipped, check to be sure the contact information associated with it is current.  My family never fully understood just how important this is until they went through this experience.  Protect your pets in 2016!   

Happy tails to you until we meet again!