Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Unleash The Springtime

Spring is in the air and we're all looking forward to  a fresh start after a long winter!  Showers will fall, flowers will bloom, and spring cleaning will commence.  OK, so maybe some of us won't necessarily get all excited about that last one!  Nevertheless, as pet parents, there are certain things we should keep in mind as the weather warms up and we begin to enjoy the great outdoors with our furry friends. 

1. Get up-to-date on preventive medications.  Spring is the perfect time to make sure your dog is protected against everything they can come in contact with while exploring the great outdoors.  This means protecting your dog using flea and tick prevention and protecting against heartworm disease, which is spread to canines through mosquitos.  It’s easy to forget about these dangers during the winter months when these pests are dormant, but it is all-too-important when spring does finally roll around.

2. Check for ticks.  Even though you use flea and tick  prevention, your dog can still carry ticks.  Lyme disease can be transmitted to your dog within just a few hours of a tick bite, so check your dog frequently for ticks.  Doing so will also avoid bringing those nasty little ticks into your home.

3. Be mindful of pet allergies.  Just like humans, animals can react to pollen and other springtime allergens.  Pay attention to whether your pet is experiencing allergy symptoms such as itching or sneezing, and contact your veterinarian with any concerns.

4. Practice safe car travel.  Spring is ideal for taking your dog to parks or on hikes, and this often requires car travel.  Keeping your dog in a crate or restrained in the seat is best to avoid any injuries while on the road.  Remember that, although dogs love to stick their heads out the car window, doing so can be dangerous as debris can enter their eyes and possibly cause infection.

5. Have your dog microchipped.  With more time spent outdoors in the spring, a microchip will help locate your dog if they wriggle out of their collar or manage to escape from the yard.  If you are still training your pup, a microchip will be especially helpful and will ease your worry if they do happen to get away from you.

6. Choose pet-friendly products for your spring cleaning.  You may want to engage in a thorough spring cleaning in your home, but keep in mind that your pets share this space too.  Be aware  of which chemicals are harmful to pets and aim for pet-safe products whenever possible.  Also, be sure to store any potentially dangerous products in a place that curious dogs and cats cannot easily access.

7. Ease into exercise.  Personally, I have no problem with this tip but, after a long winter of limited exercise, your pooch will likely be eager to get outside.  Before embarking on a long hike or a jog in the park right off the bat, slowly work up to an exercise regimen with your pet to help them shed any winter weight and avoid injury.

8.  Beware of standing water from spring showers and sprinklers.  Spring showers bring may flowers but they also bring lots of puddles which can be filled with bacteria.  As the weather warms up, your pets may be tempted to drink from standing water but the bacteria in it can cause an upset stomach or other serious issues.  It’s best to steer your pets away from any tempting puddles.  Instead, carry a portable dish and water bottle with you whenever you and your four-legged companion are outside. 

9. Keep pets away from mulch, fertilizers and weed killers.  Many popular mulches are toxic to dogs and cats.  Fertilizers and weed killers can also be extremely dangerous for animals.  If unsure whether a product is safe for pets, ask a professional or check with your vet.

10.  Beware of toxic springtime plants.  Growing a garden in the spring is a great idea; however, there are certain plants that are known to be toxic to animals.  These include azaleas, day lilies, Easter lilies, ferns, irises, lily of the valley, rhododendrons, and tulips among others.  If you suspect that your dog or cat has already eaten a toxic plant, contact your veterinarian or local animal poison control center immediately.

While it's important to remember these safety tips when out and about, our beloved pets have been patiently waiting for some new outdoor adventures all winter, so let's get them out there and unleash some springtime fun! 

Happy tails to you until we meet again!

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